More bee blocks

Our house is slowly getting back to some normality. Today has been a very good day and a big step forward, we now have 3 fully functional bedrooms. Mr Cars is sleeping in his new bedroom for the first time tonight.

And the girls are now sleeping in the same room until the fourth bedroom is finished (hopefully by next week-end). The office/sewing room is slowly filling up as well. And also I should be moving things around and organising our stuff in my free time, I try to sew a little bit in the evening if I can, just to keep my sanity! So last time I played catch up with some of my Bee blocks.

First I did 2 blocks from 99 Modern Blocks for Flaun. She picked the Binary blocks and asked for blocks in cerise and green with a grey background. I made her these two blocks. I really love her colour choice, one I might copy soon! These were my last 2 blocks for the Modern Minx Beginner Bee which finished last December.

I also made a wonky star for Christine using this tutorial. She sent some lovely pink fabric for her star. I hope she like her star, which is not too wonky. I prefer non wonky blocks myself so I kept the "wonkiness" quite subtle. This was a December block too for Bee Europa

And finally I finished my second batch of polaroid blocks for the Bitty Blocks Committee. I used a text fabric so this time there are not exactly all the same.

I still have quite a few bee and swap block to make so hopefully I'll be able to share more with you very soon. Tomorrow I will try to build quite a few snowmen for the Bitty Blocks Committee January swap, very in tune with the weather since we have some snow covering the garden!

And if you are looking for another bee to join or if you want to have a lovely granny quilt, Amanda has started a new bee on Flicker, making some granny squares from your stash. Check it here and join now if you are interested.


  1. Well Mr. Cars bedroom looks great and I hope he stayed in it all night. Two of my three used to get into bed with us in the middle of the night and they soon learned that if they got in next to me I would just budge us. Our son started the week our younger daughter stopped. We managed to stop it by swapping sides one night and instead of getting in beside me james got in beside his dad who woke up and said in his deep voice 'and where do you think you're going'. Funny doesn't even come into it - it even makes me laugh now.


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