My Autumn Plus Quilt - a stash attack

About 6 weeks ago, Sheri of Sunshine in the Attic invited me to join her for a fall inspired Blog Hop: Quilts in the Pumpkin Patch.

I must say I was very flattered by her invitation so I jumped at the idea at the time not quite knowing what I would do! I knew I would find some fall fabric in my stash anyway, I only needing one project! I thought about several ideas over the last few weeks but there were all only ideas... If you read me regularly, you might have noticed that I have been in a bee-blocks-catch-up mode recently and I was really hoping to get caught up with all my blocks before starting on my fall project, well that didn't happen!
But while raiding through my stash to find some fabric for my bee blocks, I re-discovered a few FQs that I had bought years ago at the Festival of Quilt in Birmingham to make some fall cushions, that I had never even started. So the fabrics had been stashed away waiting for that perfect project. I decided now was the time to use them.

So that was a start: 5 FQs and an idea as well: a plus quilt that I planned in Excel last week-end.
5 FQs were not quite enough so I returned to my stash to add a few other pieces that could go with the theme and got to that collection:
A variety of pieces that I have been hoarding for some time (some as long as 10+ years ago, the bear fabric is one I bought when I first started quilting, because it was cute with no other plans for it). The woodland fabric is a Riley Blake one that I only bought last year and the spots is a Makower that I bought a few years back because of the spots! Do you buy fabric because it's pretty, because you like it or because you might need it in the future too or is it just me? And do you sometimes find it hard to use that same fabric, in case you might need it for something else in the future? Just checking ;-)

With that in mind, my plan was to cut my fabric during the week and start piecing my quilt. Well the week has been very busy, with DH away in Norway for 4 days. I was on my own with the kids and had to go into the office every day as well as run the house, run to the kids activities etc. Unfortunately, I didn't find the time or energy for fabric playing in the evenings.
But finally on Thursday night, I cut about 130 charm squares from the fabrics I had selected. I was lucky because quite a few of the FQs had been cut generously and were about 20 x 21' giving me 16 charm squares each.
I had the day off on Friday luckily. I could finally plan my quilt with my fabrics. A task somewhat difficult when you are doing that on the floor and you have a toddler to help! I also cut a few more squares to have - what I thought would be a 13 x 13 charm squares quilt - but turned out to be a 13 x 14 charm squares quilt! I added some Field Study by Anna Maria Horner (this year acquisition!), some paw fabric by Michael Miller from nearly 10 years ago and a few others to get to my final layout.
By 3.30 on Friday afternoon, I was ready to start the piecing. Nothing like last-minute pressure (I think I am better with deadline but that was cutting it fine!). So I started my continuous chain piecing (same method I used for my Super Mario blocks last year) with the kids taking it in turn to bring me the right squares, they love helping and being involved and that sped up the process for me, everyone was happy! I had all my rows pieced and attached together by dinner time...
ready to be shrunk to a square after dinner!
My pieced top was finished on Friday night before I went to bed! On Saturday morning, the kids were so excited to see it that they all sat in the sofa underneath to check whether it was a warm quilt. They agreed it was, even though it was just the top at this stage :-)
So the mission for Saturday was to turn the pieced top into a quilt. After the usual cleaning, cooking etc, I was helped by Mr Cars to baste the quilt on the floor (my least favorite part of the process) and started my quilting marathon at about 5 in the afternoon! With half of the quilting done by dinner time, I knew I would finish before bed time! Such a pain sometimes to have to stop to cook, etc!
And I did finish it before bed time
it is all quilted ready for the final step of binding.
I decided I will use some Field Study for the border and of course I don't have any left in my stash so I ordered some that I am hoping to receive some time next week.

The plan will be to attach the binding before next Sunday night to blind stitch it while watching the second episode of Downton Abbey which returns to our screen in the UK tonight. My favorite series and what better than a lovely Autumn quilt to snuggle under while watching TV?

I am so glad I joined the hop. If I hadn't, all these fabrics would still be folded in my stash and my plus quilt would still have been a line on my wish list, so thank you so much Sheri for inviting me. I had a long, tiring week at work but I have really enjoyed using my free time on Friday and Saturday to make a full quilt, this has been very relaxing and very rewarding. And it just goes to prove that a quilt can be finished fast if the pattern is very simple!
Hop over to Sheri's blog for the full hop schedule.
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday, Sew Darn Crafty, Sew Cute Tuesday, Fabric TuesdayWIP Wednesday, WOWBrit Sewing Thursday Link and of course this one is a project for the me me me Bee, my first finished or almost!
I hope you have enjoyed your visit, and well done if you have read all the way until here! Hope to see you again soon.


  1. It's very pretty Celine and how lovely that your family are so enthusiastic about your quilts :-)

  2. You really had a quilting marathon! The results are very pretty and truly a family effort. I'm excited that Downton Abbey is starting again too. I watch it on the internet (from Canada) because I can't wait for it to be shown in North America.

  3. Your quilt is so beautiful Celine. And the quilting is just wonderful!I can't believe you made it so fast. Great job. Ummm-could I borrow your helpers for a couple of days? Thank you for sharing.

  4. Your quilt is beautiful. I love the plus design and the fabrics you used. Your kids' happy reaction is sweet; there's nothing like positive feedback to keep us going.

  5. It's a beauty and I loved reading about your helpers too! And yes... I buy fabric just because and worry about using it up before it's time just like you. Like there will be a shortage of pretty fabrics ever???

  6. Soundtrack for your post: " flight of the Bumblebee" by Korsakov! LOL! Wow, girl, you are busy and quick!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  7. What a pretty quilt this is ! I love the story about your children helping carry the pieces to you, to sew together, and watch it grow and then ' testing' it out for you!!
    I buy fabric, and find myself hating to cut into it, too. I buy extra, for "in case I really like it after cutting it, and can't find it again!" That's bad for my overflowing stash...
    Thank you for your lovely blog post during the hop!

  8. Well done you! It will be a great cuddly quilt for the autumn!

  9. What a lovely quilt. I just love it when you find fabric you have forgotten about and it then turns into something lovely.

  10. Ti sis great, I have just come over from Sunshine in the attic to have a look.

  11. Very cute quilt! What a great way to use up some stash!

  12. Nice quilt and you are soooo fast!!!!

  13. Great to have help when you need it! I have a plus quilt on my to make list hope mine goes together as quickly as yours did. It looks great!

  14. Great to have help when you need it! I have a plus quilt on my to make list hope mine goes together as quickly as yours did. It looks great!

  15. What great projects they are looking so beautiful. I had to laugh about your bear fabric, that's how I use dto buy fabric too -and have the stash to prove it:)

  16. Lovely quilt. I like the easy pattern. Thank you for sharing the how-to ... :) Pat

  17. Great way to involve them kids! They do love helping and love to tell everyone that they helped! Love the quilt. Beautiful!

  18. I love that fall feeling those colors give perfect for a frolic in the leaves! WOnderful!

  19. I love that fall feeling those colors give perfect for a frolic in the leaves! WOnderful!

  20. Love the quilt. I really like to see new projects or older techniques displayed in new ways to spark my interest. Thanks so much for sharing.


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