Goals for 2017

For the first time in quite a few years, I haven't signed up for any bees or swaps... the only one I have kept so far is the Inchy Hexie Swap that I have done for the last 5 years. I would really like to concentrate on long-term projects and "abandonned" projects and progress those to completed stage. Of course, my UFO list is far too long to tackle in a year but there is a specific number of projects that I would really like to see finished and in-use by the end of 2017:

1. Wanta Fanta

2. Quilts made from pink bee blocks (x2)

3. Dear Jane

4. Farmer's Wife

5. Project 48 quilt

6. 365 Challenge quilt

7. Modern HST sampler
8. Elephant Parade
9. Medaillon quilt
10. Impromptu Quilt
11. One Jen Kingwell Quilt
12. 182 days Solstice challenge with Pat Sloan

In addition, I have signed up for #SewMyStyle and although I am not sure I am keen on all 12 projects, I would really like to get going with some dressmaking. I have bought the first 2 patterns and really hoping that I will try my best at those, and even maybe finish them! Wish me luck!

Linking to #2017 Planning Party.



  1. Good luck. I'm not doing any bees or swaps in 2017 either. I need to empty my UFO/TO QUILT containers before they take over my room xx

  2. Love the Elephant Parade and the 365 Challenge quilt (along with the other fun projects.) Good luck to your finishes in 2017.

  3. like yourself Celine, I am not signed up to any swaps or bees. (molli sparkles doesn't count).
    But ... if you fancy any individual private swaps, book blocks or bubble bee, you know where to find me!

  4. I like that you have picked 12 projects and hope that working on one a month works well for reducing the list for you. Thank you so much for linking up and Happy New Year!


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