
Showing posts from May, 2017

May in Review

May has been SOOOO busy! It has disappeared in a flash really. With my daughter's first holy communion mid May, the first part of the month has been all focus on the big day and the preparation. And the second part has felt more like catch up time! Anyway, a few finish and some good progress on my sewing, always makes me happy! Hoping for finish 1.  C's dress and bolero - this will be my  One Monthly Goal  - finish 2. Neoprene coat - nearly there 3. Teacher's gift  -  no progress Bee Blocks  1.  Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (April and May ) - finished WIP 1.  Farmer's wife, let's try for another 10 blocks  -  no progress 2. Solstice challenge  -  no progress 3. HST modern sampler quilt - half way - no progress 4. Postcards of the world - some progress 5. Dear Jane - aiming for 5 blocks  -  no progress 6. Long Time Gone - near...

I made a coat! (well almost!)

Something I never dreamt I would be able to write! When I want to the show in London in March, I visited the Maker's Atelier stand and fell in love with the models, the book etc....One particular item that I really loved and have been wanting to make ever since was the neoprene coat. My husband commented that the white neoprene coat looked a little like a lab gown (we're both chemist by training!) so I picked a lovely purple neoprene that I had to stash away for a little while because there were some other urgent projects! And finally last week-end I got my fabric out ready to be cut and sewn The cutting stage: nice and heavy so it doesn't move about! First pocket is applique to the front panel, so easy to sew through neoprene, I loved it. Time to put the coat together And tada! The coat is all sewn together, the only thing I need to add is the closure now but I need to go to the shop for that. Love it with the raw edge and "outside"seams ...

Flowers and one more block

For some reasons I have been completely falling off the wagon for the Inchy Hexie Swap and hadn't yet finished my April flowers. So I took them with me last time I was waiting for the kids at a club, only to realise that I had moved stuff for one pouch to another and I didn't have any thread with me... How is that even possible? Anyway, we had a really nice day on Saturday so I sat in the garden and hand sew for most of the afternoon. It was just so nice (and something I so rarely do) and I completed my April flowers and also started the May ones that I finished last night while watching TV. I also managed the HST block for this week Long Time Gone Assignment. All together, that's another 5 blocks for May, taking my total to 24 blocks this month. Linking to I may have a scrap problem Celine.

Long Time Gone

The only patchwork sewing I have managed to do this month so far has been to keep up (just) with the minimum requirements not to fall off the Long Time Gone wagon. And I am saying minimum because I don't have all the blocks made until now but enough to post on IG weekly. I am frantically playing catch up and really hope to be back up to date by the end of the month... Wish me luck! So I made 2 courthouse steps blocks in the corresponding week [need 7 more] 1 log cabin block [need 3 more] and last week's first HST blocks. Playing catch up I managed to finish all the court house blocks and to make 8 more mini churn dash blocks [need 9 more still!] So that's now 19 blocks for the 350-blocks projects for May. Let's hope I can squeeze a little more! Linking to  I may have a scrap problem ,  Let;s Bee Social Celine

Communion dress

If you read me regularly, you may have noticed that the dressmaking bug has bitten with year, so what's more natural than sharing the fun and making clothes for the children too. And of course, a good project to start with would be my daughter's first holy communion dress... oh yes, why not? Probably sounds crazy to most sane people but anyway, once I decided I would give it a try of course I had to! I ordered some satin online and organza to jazz it up a little and found an "easy" Burda pattern that would fit what I was trying to make so off I went! The satin wasn't so bad but cutting organza is just horrible... it moves all over the place, as to finding the grain line, well just forget it! The white satin was quite thin in the end so I bought some white cotton too to line the skirt as I didn't want it to transparent. I got to that point with the zip on!  and decided that it needed jazzing up a little so I ordered some lace to put on the bodice of...

May goals

Let's hope May will finally bring some spring weather (in temperature as well). This month we have our daughter's first holy communion which will be a family time for us. I am looking forward to it. Hoping for finish 1.  C's dress and bolero - this will be my  One Monthly Goal 2. Neoprene coat 3. Teacher's gift Bee Blocks  1.  Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (April and May )  WIP 1.  Farmer's wife, let's try for another 10 blocks  2. Solstice challenge - 3. HST modern sampler quilt - half way  4. Postcards of the world 5. Dear Jane - aiming for 5 blocks 6. Long Time Gone - let's try and keep up! 7. Mischief blocks New Project 1.  Custom cushions    x 2    2.  Flora Sew Along 3. Shirt Dress (Darling) 4. Bridgetown Dress 5. Leather (faux!) jacket  Celine