August recap

August has been very busy with a lot of travelling. I nearly went to the Festival of Quilts, but I was too tired in the end, so I passed. Because of the travelling, there hasn't been much time at the sewing machine but I have made a few things.

Hoping for finish
1. Kielo wrap dress - number 3! -This will be my One monthly goal  finished
2. Scrappy Trip Along - orange blocks completed

1. Farmer's wife - no progress
2. Gipsy Wife - lots of catch up needed here no progress
3. Postcards of the world - only one postcard to finish! - some progress
4. Farmer's Wife 1930 - let's try to continue to make more blocks no progress

UFO / Abandoned WIP
1. HST modern sampler quilt - (19 blocks) - this one was my February goal on the APQ UFO challenge, I need a few more blocks to finish this top, it would be good to get there
2. Project 48 / Summer Solstice 
3. Super Mario quilt 
4. Impromptu quilt 
5. Bubbles quilt - this was my APQ UFO challenge for March, that I progressed from a pile of blocks to a flimsy ready for quilting next time the frame will be coming out. Maybe this month?
6. Granny Square - this was my APQ UFO challenge for April, and is currently a pile of blocks 
7. 365 challenge - this one was my August goal on the APQ UFO challenge. I need so many more blocks that there was no way I could finish but I made 4 blocks!

New Projects
1. Lander trousers - navy blue 
2. Passport wallet for me 
3. Kyoto top
4. Pyjama for hubby
5. Uvita top
6. Brasov top
7. Acacia underwear, more!
8. Tabor V-neck top - cut
9. Lander trousers - wine 
10. Lander shorts - green
11. Ostara top
12. Suki dressing gown
13. Suki short cover up
14. Ogden dress
15. Kingfisher sew-along - 4 first blocks sewn
16. Pencil roll - started
17. Pencil case - nearly done, needs neaten up inside

18. Forester coat
19. Handbag



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