September goals

  I really doubt my sewing machine will make it out of her box before the end of the month sadly, my sewing space is nowhere near ready to be set up and there are much bigger priorities to deal with. Maybe I will at least find the time to work on some hand sewing projects, as long as I can locate the necessary supplies....


1. Snowflake quilt-along - needs binding -  this will (again) be my One monthly goal
2. Flabellum quilt - needs binding
3. Super Mario quilt - needs binding


1Utility coat - need finishing

1. Grimm's Tales stitch along - more stiches maybe???
2. Nutcracker 



  1. Relocating is not easy and you changed countries. Wow its lots of hard work and worrying about lots of other things. Glad you are settling in and the sewing mojo will be back once everything is in place in your new home. May you have many happy years in the new home.

  2. Wow Celine, you are so close to a whole finished quilts. Moving is always stressful and it takes so much time until everything is in it's place againg. Good luck on that.


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