October in review

Another late review, I guess I might have an excuse since we were away until Monday afternoon and quite jet-lagged on our return. We were lucky enough to spend 5 days in New York City. We all had a fabulous time, busy sightseeing and walking around this most vibrant town. I even managed to visit a few fabrics and trimmings stores, after all our hotel was conveninently located in the Garment District (that wasn't on purpose, honest!)

And for the rest of the month before our trip, we still had all the renovation work going on with 2 bedrooms (including ours) out of action and some flooring to lay down just before we jetted off. we managed to all sleep in our own bedrooms a few nights before our trip but there is still quite a lot of work and moving around to do before all is back to normal. So for sure, this was another busy month. 

Early October, our company celebrated World Mental Health Day by giving staff the day off so I took advantage to pick up my Charlie blouse. And even though I didn't finish it that day, it was finished by the following week-end. I am rather pleased with it but haven't really worn it yet as the weather was not necessarily warm enough. At least, this is not another UFO!

I also continued with my tiny blocks for the Mini Series Quilt Along, sewing 7 more blocks this month. I am now one behind but hopefully I will catch up soon.

I also picked up a sewing UFO by reaching out for my Ultimate Coat that I started in May last year but left aside after getting stuck on one of the steps. It is not yet finished but very very close now. Fingers crossed this will be one of my November Finish.
While travelling I stitched a little on my Grimm's Tale cross-stitch. Not very much because I really need good light nowadays but enough to finish Clue# 2.

And we got the Cricut out of its box again, my youngest daughter was off school for one week with a bug and was desperate to play with it. I am glad she did, I might now overcome my fear of it and finally use it more...

Linking to October Furtle.



  1. You really got a lot done this month! Are you sure you were gone part of the time? Staying in the Garment District sounds fun. I hope you made it to Mood!

  2. Five days in a hotel in NYC’s garment district sounds marvellous! I love your blocks and cross stitch and the bound seams in your coat, I’m looking forward to seeing that last one next month. And your Charlie blouse looks wonderful! Hooray for finishes *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling!

  3. Wow, what a fabulous time! Looks like lots of progress. Your cross stitch is adorable!!!


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