Halloween See-Saw

Diane had sent me the 2 blocks for our Halloween See-Saw back in May sometimes and although I had a good idea of what I wanted to do with them, I hadn't had time to pick them up until lately.

If you remember Diane had done an amazing job adding a "Trick and Treat" on the top,  so I thought I should only highlight it with my border rather than try to compete with it! I used some bright orange and green strips to frame it and make it pop out of the quilt and I think/hope it worked. The fabric I used I have bought years ago and I really like it with the pair of eyes peering now and then.
 I also added a "night of stars and pumpkins" on 2 sides only to keep the asymmetry.
Well I hope Diane likes it.
Diane had turn my block on points and I decided to turn it again otherwise the witch either flies to outer space or right to the floor because of the angle of the broomstick.
Again I had this Halloween dark orange fabric for a long time and had never found a use for it until now.
I also had a coordinating panel/stripy fabric which I thought would make a great addition to make my block rectangle.
Now the 2 witches are flying back to Diane, I hope they'll avoif the flooding across the country.


  1. waiting to get my hands on these two girls xx Wonder what I will do next?

  2. Very cool, both of them. I'm glad you are having fun with the girls.


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