Where is the sun???

Mid-July, it is supposedly summer - nice and warm. Well not quite, today is grey (again), wet (again) and quite cold and windy outside (16 C) again... So I made my own sun
Last night I finished piecing my yellow Flying geese for the (May) Rainbow Challenge. I am a little behind with this BOM but I am slowly catching up. 2 more to do: purple for June and blue for July.

I also completed block #4 Christmas presents for the Christmas Block-a-Thon on the Free Spirit blog. I am now 3 blocks behind, although I am half-way though the block published last Wednesday and I haven't started the blocks from last Friday or today.
My BOM Rehab for this week-end.

I also finished my June block for the Bee Weave It or Not! We are making some lovely Basket Weave blocks following Nydia's tutorial. June disappeared so quickly that I never got around to make the blocks I was due to send. But here they are finally and I will be sending them off tomorrow.
2 blocks for Nydia
a warm block (red-orange-yellow)
and a cool block (purple-green-blue)
and 2 blocks for Sarah
aqua-hot pink-yellow-orange-light blue and black & white in the centre
yellow-orange-turquoise-hot pink and white & black in the centre
And finally (for now) a lime block for Lee for July
Now I need to concentrate on teacher's present, school finishes on Friday here so the clock is definitely ticking (should I admit that I haven't started yet beyond picking some of the fabric and the pattern).


  1. I would love to see the "real" sun... but yours will do for the time being xx

  2. We have plenty of real sun here....and it is hot, hot, hot. Love your blocks, all of them.

  3. I love the yellow and white block, so bright and cheerful. You have accomplished so much!

  4. Those blocks are all so cheery. We do not have much sunshine here at the moment. The yellow one is particularly wonderful.


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