June in review and goals for July

June has not been a very productive month in the sewing room really. It started with Mr Cars' First Holy Communion which turned out to be a fantastic week-end with friends and family followed a week later by a workshop on chocolate with my friend, which prompted me to spend lots of time playing with chocolate (instead of fabric!). So I tried to redeem myself towards the end of the month and tried to work through some of my list! Here is what I have managed finally to cross off.

1. Make my Siblings Together 2  May and June blocks - all done and the bee is over for this year

2. Mod Mod Along blocks: Beads on a string x 10, Star Cross x 3 and Diagonal Bars x 11 - no progress 
3. Finish off my blocks for the You've got Mail wall hanging - need 4 more envelopes - very little progress, I haven't even finished another block
4. Finish Maud's bag and my work bag - no progress
5. Catch up on my + and x blocks (12) no progress
6. Make more Farmer's Wife blocks no progress
7. Finish central medaillon of my Midnight in the Oasis and make more border blocks no progress
8. I love Lucy international block (May and June) - May done, June just started
9. Stash Bee block (May and June) - May started, June not started
10. Little Blog Bee block (June) - done

11. Bee Europa blocks (May) - started
12. Start another Triangle quilt like the Triangle Quilt Along - my NewFO challenge for June - cutting all done (285 triangles), I have decided that this one will be a Christmas present for Mum so it will needs to be finished by December and will probably be parked for now.
13. Continue working on my Cat Quilt - 4 more cats so that's 11 in the family so far

14. Start working on my Grand-Mum's birthday present with floral blocks - Lazy Bums challenge for June and this is also going to be my pick for June for A lovely Year of Finishes - centre of quilt top done
15. Make my flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap - done
16. Work on my Teacher's gifts - not started
16. Continue working on my Once Upon a Time Sampler - steady progress on my morning commute

350-blocks challenge: 31 block, yeah!

1. Mod Mod Along blocks: Beads on a string x 10, Star Cross x 3 and Diagonal Bars x 11, Sunrise Blocks x 3, July blocks
2. Finish off my blocks for the You've got Mail wall hanging - need 4 more envelopes 
3. Finish Maud's bag and my work bag 
4. Catch up on my + and x blocks (12) 
5. Make more Farmer's Wife blocks 
6. Finish central medaillon of my Midnight in the Oasis and make more border blocks
7. I love Lucy international block (June and July) 
8. Stash Bee block (May, June and July) 
9. Little Blog Bee block (July) 
10. Bee Europa blocks (May)
11. Continue working on my Cat Quilt - need 19 more blocks
13. Continue working on my Grand-Mum's birthday present with floral blocks Lazy Bums challenge for July (again) and this is also going to be my pick for July (again) for A lovely Year of Finishes
14. Make my flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (July)
15. Make  Teachers' gifts - probably keyring pouch from Heidi's tutorial
16. Make a Wiksten Tank at the FQR
17. Start a Green Tea and Sweet Beans quilt at the FQR - one NewFO for July
18. Finish my Siblings Together quilt
19. Make my sample swap items for FQR
20. Get started on the Flowering Snowball quilt-along - one NewFO for July
21. Get started on the Postcard quilt-along - one NewFO for July
22. Continue working on my Once Upon a Time Sampler 
23. And if there is some time left :-)) dig out my purple blocks for my Auntie to try and finish the quilt I planned to give her 5 years ago... so I could finally gift it to her in August... one can dream

Maybe I should stop here, not sure that leaves me any time for some sleep;-)
Linking to A lovely Year of FinishesNewFO challenge, Fresh Sewing Day.



  1. Very pretty finishes. You have a long list for July. I hope you get them finished.

  2. So many fabulous projects! Your blocks are beautiful and I especially love the cats - also thinking about joining in the Postcard QAL.

  3. I'm sure I've got a metre of the fabric in that flower quilt if you need it. Just yell xx


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