Kitchen time taking over my sewing time

Where does the time go? It seems that every month fly by quicker than the previous one. I can't believe that June will soon be over and I have hardly done any sewing at all. The first week-end was our son First Holy Communion, where we spent a fantastic week-end with the family. 17 of us all together for the occasion for the week-end, it was really good but of course, also very busy.
So ahead of the big day, I spent quite a lot of time in the kitchen and preparing for my big boy with little spare time for anything else. And after the event, we had family staying with us so I don't think I found any time near my machine for the first 2 weeks of June.

Last week-end, I went to a chocolate making workshop with my friend.

It was very good and gave me lots of ideas of what to make and I spent most of last Sunday playing with chocolate, quite a pleasant activity... if only there was more hours in the day!

and my first ever chocolates with mint ganache

And of course with the football and the world cup, there is lots going on... All together I haven't been able to spend much time in the sewing room this month. Although this week-end, I have finally been able to have some me time, more about that soon hopefully...


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