My newFO for June and some lovelies in the post

June is nearly nearly finished and until yesterday I hadn't touched my NewFO challenge. I got all the fabric I needed out of my sewing room last night and spent some time cutting. I had chosen to start another triangle after my Mum hinted not so softly that she really really liked the one I made to my friend in April and that she would really really like the same one. I had lots of leftover of fabric anyway so I got back to the cutting board with the leftovers and a few extras from my stash to cut a grand total of 285 triangles. I cut my first row wrongly (well not according to Paula's instructions) so my finished triangles will be slightly smaller than last time that's why I cut more. I have selected a total of 19 fabrics and I have between 5 and 30 triangles of each fabric and I am planning a 19 x 15 triangles quilt this time.

I initially thought I'd finish the quilt (or try to) before mid August but that's unrealistic with all the other projects I need to finish so I will target December and make it a Christmas present for my Mum. I am hoping I'll keep to that timing.

I also finished my hexies for this month Hexie Inchy Swap during my travelling over the week-end ready to go to Leslie

and I received some lovely stepping stones from Heidi.

And also 3 gorgeous extra New York Beauty blocks from Robin for the Stash Bee, she didn't go for the easiest patterns.

Talking of which I am still working on my May block and haven't yet started the June one, oops... Trying to decide on which arrnagement, although I think I am going to go for the coral centre.

Linking to NewFO challenge, Building Blocks Tuesday.


  1. Beautiful blocks. Thanks for linking up.

  2. I'm partial to the aqua center myself. Thanks for linking up!

  3. Hi Celine,
    I love it that you are doing another triangle quilt. I only just finished mine and posted it on the Flickr pool.You seem to be involved in lots of swaps/bees. The New York Beauty blocks are stunning. I much prefer the aqua spotted centre myself- it seems to pop more. Visiting via Building Blocks Tuesday.


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