June review

This month has been a good month for finishes - all 4 of them :-) which is always a nice feeling! Hoping for finish 1. Quilt for A for her 40th - finished and gifted 2. Quilt for M - finished 3. Quilt for A - finished! 4. Barrel bag - finished! Bee Blocks 1. Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (June ) 2. Bee Hive (June ) - done 3. Bubble Bee ( June ) 4. I love Lucy International (May, June) - May done 5. Scandi Bee (June) 6. Fat Stash Bee (June) - done WIP 1. Wanta Fanta - need 8 more blocks - no progress 2. Elephant Parade - my Lazy Bums challenge for October was to make 10 blocks - no progress 3. Scrappy X block quilt - 2 last blocks in progress - my Lazy Bums challenge for November - one block made so I only need one more to finish the top! 4. A very merry Christmas t...