More projects?

Yes I know, I really don't need any new projects at the moment, but I have seen a few new quilt-along announced that have caught my eye, so I may or may not join in!

There is the Rainbow Rose QAL organised by Modern Quilters Ireland
This one has just started so it is still easy to jump in!

There is also the Summer Solstice QAL oragnised by Melissa and starting now too.
Melissa has just posted the fabric requirements.

And finally, I am intrigued by this one: The Snowflake Shimmer QAL starting in July with Yvonne
Snowflake Shimmer Quilt Along
Will you join any? Let's see if temptation get the better of me!


  1. Go you can and QALs are very fun and fast to make.

    Modabakeshop had startes Bee-utiful Quilt-a-long , it`s so gorgeous.
    I joines Maggie´s first dance BOM and Meadows mist mystery quilt.


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