365 Quilt Challenge

I started the New Year with 2 Block of the Day (!) programs.... what was I thinking?? I guess it was almost obvious that I wouldn't be able to keep up...

The Town and Country BOD, I have very quickly completely fell off the train... hopefully I will pick it up again one of these days, after buying the pattern and all the background fabric.... I have only made a handful of blocks.

I fared better with the 365 quilt chalenge and manage to keep it up more or less for almost the frst part of the year but after that I completely fell off the wagon and never managed/tried to catch up again. The program is running again from January so let's hope it works for me as a 2 years project!

Last week-end I decided to sew up the 3' blocks I had to add one more border to the medaillon.

Lots of blocks to catch up with for the next 3 borders and I am hoping to work through these in the New Year. And I also have 3 tiny 3' blocks and 18 bigger 6' blocks ready for the next round!

So in addition to the center piece and the 4 borders, I made 99 tiny 3' blocks and 22 bigger 6' blocks,

Linking to Sew Cute Tuesday and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Love your colours in this 365 Challenge. I too fell off the wagon. I am presently working on July's blocks. Since I have downloaded all the blocks as they were coming in, I don't have to re-join next year. Glad to see that you will continue on the journey too. Happy holidays. ;^)

  2. I started with the 365 circles this year. After a little while I mailed them to my friend in California...just in case she fell behind on her 365 circles that she would be able to fill in with a few of mine. :) It will all work out. Have a great holiday.

  3. I fell off the wagon too. I do hope to finish this one next year. I'm not as far as you are in though. I love how yours is coming along.

  4. I fell off the wagon on both too. I fell out of love with both to be honest. I've used my blue batiks in another quilt and the 365 blocks have gone in my orphan block bag. They'll get used eventually for something xx


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