December review

So December is over and with it the year is drawing to a close already! As usual, December has been a busy month with all the Christmas preparation and baking etc but I am so glad I managed to fit in quite a lot of sewing after all, including a brand new quilt for our bed!

Hoping for finish
1. Fair Isle quilt - top is pieced! - now need quilting - this will be my choice for December for Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - finished!

2. Open wide pouch - 6 done

3. Set of pouches with cat fabric - not done as the cat lover doesn't like cats anymore??
4. C PE bag - done

5. A PE bag - done

Bee Blocks 
1. Flower hexies for the Inchy Hexie Swap (November. December) - done
2. Bubble Bee (November) - done
3. I love Lucy International (October, November, December) - October and December done, November  in progress

1. Wanta Fanta - need 1 more block
2. Elephant Parade - 6 more blocks before the top can be put together no progress

3. Farmer's wife 1930 QAL and original FW - I am so behind... - no progress
4. Postcards from the World no progress
5. 365 challenge quilt - one border added with 96 tiny 3' blocks

6. Town and Country quilt - I am so progress
7. HST modern sampler quilt - 12 blocks behind, catch up time??? no progress
8. Project 48 - let's try to catch up no progress

9. Pumpkin Passport  little progress

New Project
1. Custom cushions  x 2 
2. Zodiac BOM 
3. Gipsy Wife QAL
4. Bean bag
5. Wall hanging with horses panel - finished



  1. have you stopped to for a rest yet? my favourite is definitely the fair isle, I loved watching its progress.
    happy new year celine x

  2. Happy New Year! Wow you have been quite busy and loving your Fair Isle :) Maybe next year will be the year start mine.... and loved the comment the cat lover doesn't like cats any more!


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