A new project....

Oh I know I shouldn't....even more so at this time of year... but I just couldn't resist the cuteness and I love the idea behind the Advent Sew Along. Now I have only started yesterday so of course I am already 5 blocks behind... but who knows I might eventually catch up.

Really what's not to love in this so cute hexie log cabin, 2 of my favorite patterns

These are - oh so small - despite the 22 pieces of fabric required for one block. The logs are 3/8' finished! Great scrap buster, even for tiny scraps.
And this is my first completed block for this month!
If you would like to play along too, it's not to late, go over lovely Croix Patch blog to find the information and the pattern.
Linking to  Sew Cute TuesdayLet's Bee SocialNeedle and Thread Thursday.



  1. It's a very cute hexy. My mind is swirling with ideas I'd like to start now...but I'm resisting temptation.

  2. I love this little hexie! And since it's paper pieced...I love it even more!

  3. sweet little block -- I know what you mean about starting new projects at this time of year. . . .

  4. These are lovely. I wish I could figure out the paper piecing thing.

  5. You chose the perfect fabrics for this! I don't blame you one bit for getting pulled into this sew along!

  6. It is a cute hexie. Hats off to you for having the patience to construct it.


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