Tackling the UFOs

I recently joined a new blog: Sew It's Finished created by two talented Australian ladies Dawn and Wendy. The aim of the exercise is to tackle our pile of UFOs and post our finishes to share with others. The idea is also to encourage each others to finish items that have been waiting a little too long. Who hasn't got any of those? Well, when I first started patchwork, I couldn't understand why people would have UFOs. Why move away to a new project before finishing the current one, how naive was I then.... I guess the Internet (and temptation for new projects) were not as widespread then plus I hadn't been in any swaps yet. Anyway, a couple of years down the line, I probably have more UFOs that I would like to admit but I thought joining the group would help me keep motivated and focused. Let's see if it can work!
My first project that I will post about is a Macintosh Rose I started last year for my Mum, I was vaguely hoping that it would be a Christmas gift but it was nowhere near finish in December.
So last Saturday at our group meeting, I took it along and added the fusible bias.

Now I have a dilemma, what should I do: borders or not? What do you think? Any comments are welcome!


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