30/30 Sewing Challenge

I was planning to post on Saturday my progress on the 30/30 Challenge but with a birthday boy in the house, I never found time to write a blog post. This is one of the thing I did instead on Saturday

Now the birthday season is over in our house, back to some sort of normality hopefully! Anyway, during the first week of the challenge, I didn't manage to get started on my new You've Got Mail wall-hanging (also because I was busy finishing a swap) but I did spend my commute time on my cross-stitch sampler. So I know it doesn't look like a lot of progress but I actually made some progress: I started on the border on the left of the stitchery and also added the mirror in the first box and the crown in the second.

Let's see what another week of commuting brings! Linking to Berry Barn Design.


  1. Looks like you made good use of your travel time : ) We're just gearing up for birthdays at our house - my daughters and husband are all in April - so I'm racing to finish their new bday quilts!

  2. Happy Birthday to your 8 year old! Stuff happens so this week will work out for you!


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