NewFO for March and report for February

My new project for February was to get started on my Once Upon a Time Sampler and I am happy to report that I have actually started it. This is how far I have stitched:
I am not caught up at all since the February and March diagrams are now out and I haven't even finished January but at least it is started! Hopefully I will be able to report more progress by the end of March, I hope I'll have finish January and started February.

I didn't make any progress at all on my January NewFO, the Midnight in the Oasis quilt sadly. I am hoping to finish the centre medaillon in March, wish me luck!

After seeing so many of these gorgeous little envelopes blocks so often on flicker, IG etc, my NewFO for March will be a lovely wall hanging from Ayumills' book Patchwork Please.
We have nowhere to store the post at the moment so I am hoping this is the answer, well when it is all finished and on the wall hopefully!
Linking to Cat Patches

Updated to add:
I have just discovered a new challenge for March at Berry Barn Designs which is perfect for the 2 above projects:
I am intending to continue my stitcherie on the train commute every morning so that will give me 30 minutes on the day I go in the office. And maybe I could dedicate 30 minutes for the project above on the day I don't travel to the office? Wish me luck!



  1. This is a lovely stitchery, I like it a lot. Congratulations.

  2. Adorable stitchery. You made a nice start on your New FO.

  3. Your sampler is going to be awesome. You do very nice work.

  4. What a sweet stitchery. Great progress.

  5. Those are great projects for the 30/30 Sewing Challenge - welcome, Celine! I'm especially interested in that cute envelope block. I love the wall hanging - I could totally use that at my house! I'll have to check out that book : )


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