Another year is finishing....

It is nearly time to say good-bye to 2014 and to welcome 2015. This year has been busy (as usual) on the family front with some great times and some sad times too.
I have left my job of 10 years just before Christmas and will venture on a new experience starting a new job in January (same field but very different company/settings etc). My Grand-Dad has left us this year a few days after his 88th birthday. A few months later, we had a fantastic week-end to celebrate Mr Cars first Holy Communion.

On the sewing front, there has been loads happening, I have been swap crazy this year I think! Lots of last minute stressed finishes but lots of fantastic packages in return too! And I have also met amazing and generous friends online, the sewing/quilting community is so good!

With taking part in the 350-blocks challenge, I haven't quite mastered 350 blocks this year but I have completed 335 blocks, not so bad really! Lots of bee blocks but also blocks for some of my quilts too!

and also 55 finished projects in total this year, some big like my Triangle quilt
and some small like my tree ornaments

I have only finished 2 of my long-standing UFOs, I definitely need to do better next year as I have also created UFOs this year...

and I have made reasonable progress on my Once Upon a Time sampler, but it is still far from being finished...

I have played along with a few sew-along: triangles, 318-paper piecing patterns, Fair Isle quilt, Mr Snowmen, Flowering Snowball  etc but only finished the Triangle Quilt.

I have started a number of new projects that I hope won't fall at the bottom of my UFO pile: Midnight in the Oasis, Green Tea and Sweat Beans, You've got Mail, Mod Mod Sampler, Star Plus quilt for example.

Time to focus on the New Year now and to try not to forget these WIP too quickly!


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