Another UFO is out

My APQ UFO challenge for March is to finish my bubble quilt. I made and received those blocks between 2015 and 2016 as part as a bee and as often in bees I think I didn't get all my blocks. I pulled out all my blocks and found 18 of them, including 2 of them that I might not want to include in my final quilt.

So after thinking about making more blocks (I love them but they are soooo time consuming to make), I decided that maybe it would be easier to use what I have already and finish my quilt top with what I have already if I don't want it stashed for another couple of years! This is the final planned layout.
The blocks are (supposed to be) 15' finished so the quilt should end as a 60' square. While starting to assemble them, I noticed some were smaller so I am making them all the correct size.

Really hoping to have a finished quilt top soon now! Watch this space.


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