Last minute presents?

So I was really organised this year and made a start on the school presents a few weeks back, sew quite a lot through last week-end and the beginning of the week. But of course, on Wednesday my youngest decided that it would be really nice to make something for the lady in the office who is so nice and helpful (I agree!) and who she will not see much of in the future. So another pencil case was needed.
I picked a patterned purple fabric and set out to cut and sew it straight away. 2 rectangles approximately 9'x5.5' with a 3/4' square cut off at the bottom to make it a little boxy. I added a 1' square on each end of the zip as well. 
And another one of these cute pencil case at the ready.
And this is the point where I thought I had finished ALL the presents for this year....
But of course on Thursday night, my middle daughter decided that it would nice to give a little something to her teaching assistant too.... A sunglasses pouch it had to be at that late stage!
A productive July so far and another 2 OPAMs!

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Whoop Whoop Friday



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