Impromptu quilt top

 A break from bag making! Some time ago, while I was going through my UFOs etc, I digged out the blocks for my Impromptu Quilt, with the aim to finish the top to send it for quilting. The top finishes at 90'' square so it is too big for my own frame and after sending my Flabellum for quilting, I thought it would be a good idea to send this one too. The only problem was that

1) the top wasn't anywhere near ready to go

2) I am pressed with time with the house move

Anyway, Kerry kindly agreed to squeeze it into her schedule if I sent it by mid-July. So that was my target and I knew I'd have to stick to it. I first finished the 13 disappearing 9-patch blocks over a few evenings.

And after that it was a matter of assembling the 25 squares into one big top, before adding the borders 2 week-ends ago

The backing came from my stash and pressing it during a heatwave wasn't the best time, but never mind, but my parcel was ready to go just in time.

I took it to the post office, excited to get my big quilt top UFO finally quilted, but I ended up sending it recorded delivery to the wrong person and address, thankfully the recipient refused the parcel so it came back to me at the end of last week... Too late to get it quilted in the UK now... so I will have to source a quilter on the continent. If you have any recommendation, please let me know.

Linking to Monday Making, Monday Design WallMidweek MakersWednesday Wait Loss



  1. Celine, I don't remember where you live. When you say "on the Continent," do you mean continental Europe? I think the Long Arm League has a member in Italy and possibly others in Europe as well. I'll see what I can find for you. Love your quilt top, and good luck with your house move!

  2. Hi. I'm an Italiano longarmer and I'm in Longarm League since this year. Of you want ti see my works with longarm my web site Is I'm available ti give you some info about quilting. Thank you. Lidia


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