Orchard dress

You know the urge to start a new project when you really shouldn't because 1) you have enough unfinished ones to keep you going for a long while and 2) you're about to go on holidays so should really concentrate on everything else but starting a new project. Surely I'm not alone?

Helen released the Orchard dress pattern as a free pattern and somehow I couldn't resist the call from it! So I downloaded the pattern and printed it while washing a gorgeous double gaze I already had in my stash. 

Next I cut the pieces ready for sewing: front and back, pockets pieces and bias binding for the armholes and  neckline. I didn't use any interfacing for the bias as recommended in the pattern. 

The dress comes together rather quickly (2-3 hours sewing time). I didn't try it on until it was all complete which was a mistake as the straps were too long for me. 

Since I didn't want to unpick it all up, I folded them up and attach them by hand at the back, not ideal but much easier than unpicking the bias binding.

The dress is very comfortable, especially in the hot weather we've just had. I've managed to finish before going away and I've worn it a few times during our holiday. 

The pattern and instryctions are well written aux easy to follow. I really like the dress and I'm so happy to have finished a second garment in the same week (!) after such a long sewing drought. 

Another finish this month all from my stash!

Linking to Off the wall Friday, Finished or Not Finished Friday, Put your foot downPeacock Party, Patchwork and QuiltDesign Wall Monday, Monday MakingMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossHappy Needle and Thread



  1. Très sympa cette robe, et j'aime beaucoup le tissu. Elle te va bien !

  2. Oh my gosh - it turned out amazing!!! and yep!!! sometimes you just have to drop it all and dig in!!! Great job!!

  3. It looks like a very comfy dress. You look great in it.

  4. Looks so comfy! Such a beautiful dress on you. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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