Wanderlust bag

It seems sewing has taken a back seat since the beginning of the month sadly... I had great intentions but time has been too short. First there was a birthday girl to honour and then there has been quite a lot of travelling, business travel first followed by holidays. Even though I had some hand sewing projects with me while on the move, I hardly touched them.

However the birthday girl was away on a school trip just before we went away as a family and was getting back very late. We were originally told pick up time would be 1am but it was then moved to 2am on the day. I was so worried that I would not hear the alarm that I decided not to go to bed while waiting for her but to sew instead.

I had been willing to make a Wanderlust Bag by Sewing Seeds of Love for my youngest for a while since she doesn't have a bag to carry her phone: So I asked her to pick her fabric combination before she went to bed and set to get sewing while everyone was in bed and I was waiting to pick my adventurer!

The pattern is quite easy to make and very well described. I used interfacing as described too. As I was sewing late at night; I had to use my stash for everything, including the hardware but that worked out OK. I didn't had the rivets at night so as not to wake up everyone but I will do. I will also add a slider as the strap is too long for my daughter.

All in all it is a lovely little pattern that can be made in a couple of hours and doesn't require masses of supplies. I would happily make more in the future.

Youngest daughter had her bag delivered the following morning, ready to take on holidays!

With that, I haven't managed to spend 4x15 minutes on sewing activities in the last few weeks, only 2x15 minutes week before last, once in the sewing room last week (but for more than 15 minutes to make my little bag).

And I had selected this project as my February One monthly goal.

Linking to Life in Pieces, Design Wall MondayMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossHappy Needle and ThreadPut your foot downBrag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayCan I get a Whoop WhoopPeacock Party, Patchwork and Quilt



  1. Such a pretty bag! Love the colors she chose. You did an awesome job. Can't believe you stayed up that late and made something as complicated as a bag but wow! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec Jennifer, bravo pour la confection de ce très beau sac pendant une veille ! C'est un peu Noël d'avoir un cadeau au réveil ;-)
    Merci pour le partage de liens !


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