Blocks bonanza and new challenges

Another catch up session for my bee and swap blocks happened while I had a quiet week-end! I managed to finish off all my Granny Square blocks for Jan and Jeanne

The bee is now over. I didn't start it but inherited it when the lady who created withdraw from it and I must say it has been very difficult to run, lots of people dropped out after a few months (some of them after receiving their month blocks) which I find really frustrating and unfair on the other members of the bee. We were all supposed to receive 46 blocks but I don't think anyone got 46 and towards the end to the bee, I guess people would have been lucky to get more than 30. It seems to happen more often these days and I find that quite sad. I know I have been/am late with some of my blocks but I always make them in the end. Anyway, enough of a moan!

I made my first block for the Stash Bee, Sara had picked this gorgeous star that looks very completed to make but is actually not that bad, thanks to this lovely tutorial, definitely one to keep in mind for a future bee I think! I really love this block.

While I was busy paper piecing, I made my block for Amanda for Bee Europa from this lovely tutorial

and also my Garden Fence blocks for Svea, I really like this block and am thinking I could maybe make a quilt with my Comma fabric I have been hoarding for a while now. Watch this space!

I have also made some double chevron block for this month Block Lotto, 6 of them. I really like these blocks and wouldn't winning the lottery of course.
ehich also brings me nicely to some new challenges I have found for this year (in case I didn't have enough already!) and you can join too! The first one is the Mod-Mod-Along that Sophie is organising. She has designed a mystery quilt for this year with the blocks from the lotto. Go and check it out there, it will be great I am sure. I have already picked my fabric for my first blocks, just need to find time to sew them now.
There is also the 350 blocks challenge from Prairie Moon Quilts that I think I could join. This month challenge is to make 20 blocks, well I guess I have them already!

And of course, I have joined the OPAM 2014 challenge again because this is another great one to keep me on my toes!
And I already have one OPAM this year with my mini quilt!

And finally, there is this lovely BOM that I haven't started yet but sounds like fun the Silly Chilly Snowmen by Cindy
Linking to Jen's Building Blocks Tuesday.


  1. I love all those blocks you've made. It's a pity some pull out of swaps. I've stopped doing them now as I've sent quilts and not received quite a few times. There's always some that like to spoil others fun xx

  2. I have to agree, it's pretty frustrating. I joined Celine in the "Granny Block" & had a great time. I enjoyed receiving the blocks for my month & sending my blocks to others but I am rather annoyed at those who participated received their blocks & never reciprocated back after that. You did a fantastic job Celine!!

  3. You are in the coolest bees ever. I just love looking at all the different types of blocks you are making. Those QAL & BOMs look fun too. Can't wait to see more.


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