In Progress

I have plenty of time to play with fabric with no computer available to take me away from my sewing machine. So I have been very busy with some paper piecing blocks. I showed you last week the first New York Beauty block I made for my Sew Sew Modern partner, well I completed 2 more blocks so I only need one more now!

And my 3 blocks together
I am using Rain fabric, I really like this line, the colour are lovely and bright and the pattern is so subtle.

While I was paper piecing, I also started my Midnight in the Oasis quilt with a bundle of micro-mod fabric from Cloud 9 Fabrics. This was my NewFO Challenge for January so I am glad I kept to it! I made 3 triangles for the centre, I only need one more now. And this one is one for the me, me, me Bee too
Linking to WIP Wednesday, WOW and the NewFO party.


  1. I love how your new york beauty block is coming together. :) I'm sure your SSM partner will love it! I'm also interested to see how your Midnight Oasis goes! That's such a cool pattern. :)

  2. Like the New York Beauty blocks and those little triangles look interesting xxx

  3. I love your Midnight in the Oasis blocks. Paper piecing is an art I haven't tried - yet! Happy quilting.

  4. I love your NY beauties. That one is on my bucket list.

  5. Great job on these. Paper piecing sure does give you lovely points, but I dislike the actual doing of it. Your triangles are terrific.


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