Tackling the UFO, one more cushion and last chance for the giveaway.

I went swimming this morning, first time I spend some time doing some physical exercise for a loooooong time. It felt so good though that I definitely need to try to go regularly. All the tensions in my back and neck have disappeared. The weather is still awful here and it is very cold despite being May.
Anyway, back to the subject of this post. Early in February I found this quilt top in my stash of UFO.
I made it in December 2007 during my LQS annual Mystery Night. This was the warm-up project for the night that we did between 9pm and midnight. The size of the top called for a wall-hanging, unless I made more block to have a quilt top. But although I like the design, I really wasn't planning to make more blocks. Plus because the aim was speed over accuracy, it is easy to notice that the piecing is far from perfect, many points don't meet or are cut off. So I wasn't keen to finish it as a wall-hanging to show off some bad piecing. I thought it would be great for a floor cushion and would be a great quilting exercise. So I ripped off one row of blocks, that I have now to use in some other way to have a square top that I framed with a narrow red and a narrow black strip before quilting my top. I based my quilting on a square on point and decided on some echo quilting, with various width between my quilting. I finish my cushion yesterday evening and it is now sitting in the living room where the kids have been happy to sit on it, walk on it, jump on it... and it doesn't bother them that the points don't always match
One OPAM so early in the month for me! and one less UFO!
Now if you want a chance to win my spare sewing kit, leave a comment on the post here before Sunday night. I'll pick a winner on Monday.
See you soon for more.


  1. That really is a lovely pattern , particularly made with those colours. Great idea making the top into a large floor cushion for the children to play on. I have a sneaking suspicion that the accuracy of the points is not as bad as you make out. We are always our own worst critics.

  2. Love your floor cushion......... wish I could still sit on the floor as this looks like something I could make as a beginner.

  3. I love the colors. I want to make something in black, white, grey and red for my lounge as this is going to be my color theme.


  4. love the colors....... thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the cushion. It is such a good pattern. I think I will try to make one for my sister who lives in Brittany. It would look good in her lounge. Thank you for sharing Hugs Lyn Blackburn

  6. A blind man wouldn't see the points - and truth be told neither would a non-quilter.
    I am continually astounded by folks who think my work is wonderful, when any quilter could tell you it was cobbled together and is a mess.


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