Pulling out an UFO

The good think about signing up for some challenges is that it forces me to follow through. And a UFO challenge can not be a bad thing when I have so many.

My challenge for this (short) month from APQS UFO challenge is to complete or at least work on my abandoned Modern HST quilt. I have half of the blocks done (I did 1-12 more or less in time) and then completely fell off the train...

I found my fabric again (I must admit I had to look for it a little) and started working on it finally at the beginning of the month. And then on and off again during the month, little by little... In the end I only completed 3 blocks, but I guess that's better than nothing...

After a little unpicking, I finally completed block 13 - Turnstile
14 -  Introspection
15 - Windmill
16 - Whirly-gig - this one is wonky.... but finished!

Edited on 28th February to also add
19 - Perspective

All together I have made 10 blocks in February, 5 more for this UFO. Not a great amount but better than nothing in a short busy month.



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