Back to school with some finishes

School started back today! The summer holidays have disappeared so quickly, I can't believe it's over already. Anyway no big school bags this year but just some accessories. I finally finished my daughter's pencil case. 
All it needed was to neaten the raw edge inside which I did with a little bias binding, I could have just serged them but I thought it would be nicer with some binding.

As for the pencil roll, she started sewing it in the summer but the bobbin ran out and after that she lost interest. 
Anyway she at least made a start on it and I finished it for her, a collaborative work! 
She went in happily this morning and showed her friend her new stuff!

2 OPAMs in the bag for September already and 2 finishes for my Q3 FAL list!

Linking to Q3 FALWednesday Wait LossMidweek Makers. Celine


  1. What a lovely start to back to school! On behalf of the FAL crew, thank you for joining in!


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