
Last week I got the quilting frame out for my Seeing Stars quilt top that I finished piecing in October. I am making this quilt as a 40th birthday present and I would really like to gift it to the lovely lady when I'll see her at Christmas time.
Because the top is to big to fit on my frame I kept it as 4 big blocks to be quilted then assembled.
To make things simple and fast, I thought it would be such a good idea to use a different quilting pattern for each star 😁🤔, including some pebbles... what was I thinking? It took me all my sewing time (which is rather limited at the moment) to finish quilting all 4 pieces....
So now I have these 4 pieces that I need to trim carefully and of course quilting might have shrunk them a little. Then I need to pieced the top together, add the backing and finally bind it... let's hope I can manage that soon.


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