New undies

November theme for #magamsewalong was "Neglected November" and I was planning to use some of my jersey scraps to make knickers.  I cut 2 pairs,  one Acacia by Megan Nielsen and one Tippi window brief by Van Jonsson Designs out of the leftover from my last 2 Tees.

I finished my Acacia in November.

For the Tippi I wanted to use some fancy fold-over elastic that I didn't have so I ordered some but delivery was delayed. The half made panties were packed until recently.
The back piece of the Tippi could be made of lace but I didn't have anything suitable so I used plain black.
One more pair with a pattern I hadn't tried before. I've already worn them and they're comfy and a nice cut.
With this I have one more OPAM for December and one more of my Q4 FAL list.



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