June goals

This month, what I'd really like to do is finished a few items and get a head start on the teachers'/leaving presents for July. I have for once written a rather focused list (at least to my standards!) thinking this might be the key.... Let's hope that works out otherwise I will for sure run out of time...


1. Modern HST triangles - now that the top is finished, it needs quilting and I'd like this one to be ready as a gift by the end of July- this will be my One monthly goal

2. Impromptu quilt - I would really like to finish this top and send it for quilting before the end of the month...

3. Project 48 - either I keep the blocks or I get rid of them but I need to do something with these

4. Snowflake quilt-along - needs binding

5. Flabellum quilt - top finished, I am not sure if I am quilting it or sending it away for quilting

6. Maybe I can go through a few other UFOs and decide of their fate once and for all...


1. PJ/nightdress for C NEW
2. Blouse - NEW
3. Utility coat - need finishing

4. Calvin dress - cut


1. Bag for teachers 
2. Closet case pouf 
3. Pouches for teachers
4. Persephone wallet - started

1. Grimm's Tales stitch along
2. Nutcracker 



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