Just Takes 2

 Another quilt-along that I started years ago (in 2012) and that has never been picked up again. Just Take 2 blocks were released twice a month by Brenda Papadakis and the quilt was supposed to be made in 2 colours. I duly started in January 2012 and made a few blocks during the first half of that year and then it was parked for later... 

There were lots of different techniques in the quilt, including a big applique block (Hawaian if I remember well) that I never found the courage to start.

Another bag that I have emptied last week and sold on to someone else. I had a lovely message from the lady who bought them from me, saying she was surprised I had let go of the blocks as they were beautifully made. This was so nice to hear, and I am happy that they are getting used finally.



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