May in review

 It must have been the colder month of May ever, it has felt like February for most of it and I have been in my winter clothes almost every day. Let's hope June brings some sun!

Of course I had a long list and plenty to do this month, and of course I barely scratch the surface once more! 

I finally got my HST blocks from 5 years ago out and made 2 more to have a square quilt top. It only needs quilting now!

And I also finished my Nautilus swimsuit

I didn't quite finish my Utility coat but I am not far off, I just need to pick it up I guess.

And I started a new quilt-along Flabellum, which is nearly finished too!

And I made 39 blocks this month!

Somehow, it seems that I didn't work on many projects but made good progress overall! Maybe that's the secret!
Linking to May Furtle



  1. Bravo pour ces belles avancées ! J'aime bien ton maillot de bain Nautilus ;)


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