
After finished the Modern HST sampler, I didn't want it to sit there for ever. So we got the quilting frame out about a week ago and I duly quilted it over the weekend. 

I want for an easy all over pattern and added a few personnal notes for the recipient. 

For the back I used a floral I had in my stash and that was just big enough!

It is all squared up ready for binding now. And I've cut the binding this weekend for the leftover fabric I had so hopefully it should be finished before the end of the month. Watch this space!

Linking to Monday Making, Monday Design WallMidweek MakersWednesday Wait LossNeedle and Thread Thursday



  1. Such a lovely quilt, and a great way to use up scraps. The recipient is just going to love this! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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