Shopping and baking, no sewing

As the title says, no sewing done in the last 2 days unfortunately. I spent the day out on Friday with my daughter. We went fabric shopping first where she was the attraction of the shop. I am so happy that I have found the background and backing fabrics for my Auntie's quilt. I choose a light lilac for the background and a violet for the background. I am all set and ready to go now. More unpicking to do before I can start sewing everything together again.

I also bought so bright green and yellow-green fabric and some doted background fabric to make a baby quilt for my friend's little boy. Hopefully I will be able to finish this one before his first birthday in December (even though it is not started yet).

Then I went to 2 other craft shops and ended my trip in IKEA where I bought some shelves and boxes to try to get my never ending collection of fabrics - also known as extensive stash organised. Everything is in the wardrobe in the bedroom to become my daughter's one when she moves out of ours, hopefully in a few weeks time. My DH has spent some of his Saturday putting the shelves up, now it is up to me to fill my boxes and the shelves with all my stuff. Quite a big task actually but I will probably found some forgotten treasure in the process!

Saturday was baking day. I started by making 2 loaves of white French bread which turns out nice. And then I decided to try my hand at making croissants and pains au chocolat. They are not very difficult but pretty time consuming actually. I recently bought the lovely book below from the WI with lots of different recipes that I am eager to try. We had a nice breakfast this morning warming up the pain au chocolat and croissants! Yummy...

Hope I managed to make you hungry!


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