A3 Hunter's Moon

STOP PRESS: I have completed one Dear Jane block yesterday afternoon!

OK it was a relatively easy one that I choose to do with reverse applique but it is a milestone for me as I hadn't done a block since 2007. I did 3 triangles in 2010 but that was the extent of my progress in the last 4 to 5 years. I have over 100 blocks done so I am really not that far but equally, there is still lots of work left to finish this quilt that I would really really love to be able to send to Belgium for the exhibition in April 2013 which Brenda is planning to attend. That's a motivating factor I think. Anyway, here is my A3 which will definitely feature in the "Finished is better than Perfect" category!
This blocks now bring me to 112 blocks completed and 2415 pieces altogether.
I have also started a triangle yesterday TR12 that I am hoping to finish quickly enough. Stay tuned for more I hope!


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