Just Takes 2

Have you seen this new mystery quilt designed by Brenda Papadakis of Dear Jane and Gay Bomers of Sentimental Stitches? It is based on the red and white quilt exhibition which was held in New York last year.
The blocks will vary in size from 3'' to 15''. The first few blocks are available to download now if you are interested in taking part. You need to head over to the Just Takes 2 blog and register to access the files to download. I am thinking of using blue and cream to make mine... Watch this space!


  1. going to have a look now ... thanks for the hint xx

  2. Did you see my indigo and cream blocks ? I posted them on the Just Takes 2 site, but haven't blogged them yet. I like just about all the color combinations quilters have shared--there's going to be a wide range of quilts made from this pattern. (After sewing the curves for this month's lotto blocks, I decided to piece block #1 instead of using appliqué ... that lotto block practice served me well ;-)

  3. Just signed up and downloaded the patterns. Do not know where I will find the time but I will give it a go. Thanks for the info. What did you call your baby girl by the way?


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