CQ Journal - block 1

This week as well as doing some hand-sewing, I have practised embroidery stitches again on my first CQ journal block that I showed you a few days ago. I have taken inspiration from Sharon at Pin Tangle with her Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge and have browsed through all the ribbons, lace, motifs, threads and beads I have accumulated through the year for CQ - sadly largely left untouched over the last few years - to embellish my first block.

I have always been of the "less is more" approach to embellish my blocks in the past so I would say this one is moderately heavily embellished for me! I am happy to have completed this first block and have really enjoyed making something different. It is relaxing to sit in a chair and do a couple of stitches now and then.


  1. Hello, I love your block for CQJP 2012, I am also doing this project and enjoying it very much.
    Have you done February yet I would love to see it.


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