Dear Jane - again

More Dear Jane progress to report, how good is that? Hubby has had to travelled to the US on business this week and while he was away, his parents have kindly come over to help me with the kids. That also meant that I have deserted my sewing machine while they were here and have done some hand sewing instead while my MIL was doing her cross-stitch.
I have finally completed the triangle I started over a week ago before the week-end. TR12 Jane's Oak was a simple applique triangle but it was a good one to start back on the triangles

and yesterday I also finished another block, applique again B12 - Starflower

This takes my grand total to 113 blocks, 6 triangles and 2419 pieces.
Slowly, very slowly my quilt is growing! Here is my virtual wall this week:



  1. Great looking fabrics in your blocks. Is starflower applique or reverse? Either way it is stunning.


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