Bee blocks

I know, it is about bee blocks - again. Next week, quarter 2 of the 3x6 Mini Sampler Bee finishes and of course I haven't sent my blocks yet (well not all of them). I have picked my design weeks ago but I just never got around to make my blocks. I picked this block Up From Here from the Sew Mama Sew Modern BOM by Alyssa Lichner from Pile O'Fabric.

So last week, I pulled some fabric from my colour scheme to make my test block and I realised that the block was huge at 24 '. In the bee we make 12' blocks so I simply downsized the block and worked out the fabric I needed from a little paper sketch

If you are interested in making the 12.5' block (unfinished), this is the fabric you need:
background from a 2.5 strip (one wof strip is not quite enough) cut
2 rectangles 8.5 x 2.5
2 rectangles 6.5 x 2.5
2 rectangles 4.5 x 2.5
3 squares 2.5
Focus fabric (5 fabrics if you don't want any repeat), from each fabric you need:
1 rectangle 4.5 x 2.5
1 square 2.5
There is a very detailed tutorial on how to make the block on Sew Mama Sew blog if you need help constructing your block. I found that if you lay your fabric on your table as they will fit in your block, it is very easy to sew it together and no I didn't press my seams open because I never do!
So this is my test block
and one for Svea
one for Ursi
and now the fabric I have cut for the 4 more blocks I need to make and send out by Monday!
Linking with WIP Wednesday


  1. Very pretty are nice to make them for others

  2. Nice choice of block, I think I've pinned this entire series and never actually remember to look at them!

  3. Hi Celine! The test block is a great idea. I should do that more often. It would save me a lot of trouble!


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