Official restart for my Farmer's Wife quilt

A long long time ago (about 2 years ago...), I started a Farmer's Wife quilt that I was planning to complete and give to my Mum's who is a farmer's wife and farmer's daughter for her 60th birthday. Well, of course it didn't go according to plan. My Mum turned 61 last month (don't tell her I told you that) and the quilt is nowhere near finish. When I started I made 13 blocks (about of the 100+) and then decided that actually I didn't like the look of my blocks. I had bought a great assortment of Kaffe Fassett prints that I was planning to mix in the blocks but it was just too busy for my taste.

So I stopped, bought 4 background fabric  about a year ago (ranging from cream to chocolate) ready to restart.

I took my blocks away on holidays with me (and they are now well traveled) thinking I could unpick them then but they never got out of their plastic bags, until last month. Why I hear you ask, what happened? Well my UFO challenge for June for the Lazy Bums was to complete 20 blocks. Of course I knew 20 blocks was far too ambitious at this stage (embarrassingly I set myself the challenge nearly a year ago) but I thought at least I could try and "touch" that project. Even more embarrassingly, I have been on the Lazy Bums group until last year and I haven't completed one single project on my list, I don't think I even got one out of their bag. So I set myself a new far less ambitious goal of unpicking a few blocks and remake some.  Well I managed to unpick about 5 and I remade 1. I know it isn't breathtaking but it felt so good to make a new start on this. The issue now is that with all the work and movements in the house last year, I can't locate my book anymore :-(. I am going to start by remaking the blocks I have already made. There are a certain number of additional blocks I can work out but then, I will need to find my book again so I really hope it will resurface somehow. Anyway, without further ado, here is my first new block for my revamped Farmer's Wife quilt, from there

to there

Which one do you prefer? I know which one I like better!
Linking with Jen's Building Blocks Tuesday and Lee's WIP Wednesday (this will be a WIP for a long time!)


  1. I like the second one much better. I have the book and look at it occasionally so you are doing better than me.I'm sure your mum will love it when she eventually gets the quilt.


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