
Showing posts from December, 2019

December Furtle

December went in a flash, and the whole year too actually... Anyway time to look at what little sewing time I had in December and the few items I managed to finish A few items with faux leather that I made as gifts to family, friends and colleagues A Christmas dress for myself that I finished just in time. And some reusable gift bags too. Linking to  December Furtle  Celine

Christmas dress

There was really little time to sew before Christmas and of course lots of projects. On my list of selfish sewing, one item I was really hoping to make myself a Christmas dress. I had bought some festive jersey fabric during Black Friday that was ideal for a comfy dress. I wasn't sure which pattern to pick and finally settled on the Moneta dress by Colette Patterns . The Moneta was my first ever dress and I had only planned to make more but never did. I finally got the pattern out and cut my pieces one evening.  I planned 2h30 as my sewing window to make the dress (which was about the time I had anyway). I constructed the complete dress with my overlocker so it went together quickly.  I used my machine to shirr the skirt and to hem the neckline, the sleeves and the skirt. The dress was indeed finished in 2h30, even the label was sewn. Sewing in a set time has made me thought that maybe I would be more productive if I estimated the time needed for a project before s...

2020 Planning party

Time to make some new plans, time to rationalise or time to dream big? Either way I always plan more than I have some time for and I am not sure I'll be able to get better at that in 2020.  In terms of quilting projects for 2020, I am dreaming of those: New projects: 1.  Scientific Adventures BOM 2. Baby quilt 3. Sewing Studio banner 4. Luminous quilt  maybe? 5.  Peek Into Batiks  maybe? 6.  Storyteller's sampler quilt maybe? WIP 1.  Vintage kitchen quilt along 2. Dear Jane UFO 1. Farmer's Wife (not half way yet....)   2. Farmer's Wife 1930 - only 24 blocks done 3. Scrappy strips quilt -  top sewn together, just needs quilting now  4. Blue and purple quilt - this one is for my Auntie and I'd like to gift it this year.... 5. Harry Potter quilt  6. Horse quilt  7. Threadology quilt 8. Gipsy Wife (in progress) - I have fallen off the band wagon again.......

Best of 2019

Picking up the best of the full year is always an interesting but difficult exercise. It is also interesting to see how my makes evolve throughout the year!  I have listed 102 OPAM in the sidebar of my blog, that's not a bad number even though it features a high number of small easy objects. Now my top 5 among those are 1. Jangles Anchor Bag - I love the style of this bag and all the bling on it 2. Hello Kitty quilt - I had cut the squares for this one years ago and never started it. I finally found a recipient for it and managed to complete the full quilt in a few weeks 3. Scrappy Trip Around the World - this one had about half of the blocks done during the quilt-along and was parked away. I am so happy that I finished it in time to gift it to my brother for his birthday 4. Kobe Top - I bought this pattern a while ago and never got around to try and then I bought some Liberty fabric that was perfect for it. I love the style of this top. 5. Sirocco jumpsuit - this...

New undies

November theme for #magamsewalong was "Neglected November" and I was planning to use some of my jersey scraps to make knickers.  I cut 2 pairs,  one Acacia by Megan Nielsen and one Tippi window brief by Van Jonsson Designs out of the leftover from my last 2 Tees. I finished my Acacia in November. For the Tippi I wanted to use some fancy fold-over elastic that I didn't have so I ordered some but delivery was delayed. The half made panties were packed until recently. The back piece of the Tippi could be made of lace but I didn't have anything suitable so I used plain black. One more pair with a pattern I hadn't tried before. I've already worn them and they're comfy and a nice cut. With this I have one more OPAM for December and one more of my Q4 FAL list. Celine

Hand made Christmas presents

The open wide pouch is such a versatile pattern, I'm not sure how many I have made to date but it's often one of my go-to pattern. Anyway I needed a few to complete some Christmas presents. I made 2 that I filled with shaving products And one for a teenage girl for her make up. 3 more OPAM and one more for my Q4 FAL list Linking to  We dnesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers ,  Whoop Whoop Friday Celine

Happy Christmas

To you all Celine

Glasses cases

Last minute little presents for my friends. I was planning more than a simple sunglasses case but in the end, I ran out of time. 4 in similar colour way with different ribbons. 4 OPAM and more for my Q4 FAL list. Celine

Open wide pouch

I'm not sure how this is possible but December it's flying even faster than any other month. I hardly had time to sew. Earlier in the month, between my last 2 trips to the US, I found a little time to squeeze an orb wide pouch that I wanted to gift to one of my work colleague who had shown such an interest in my sewing. I used Noodlehead 's free pattern and some faux leather from my stash. And just in time to fly to Washington, I had one pouch to gift. One OPAM for December and one of my Q4 FAL list. Linking to  We dnesday Wait Loss ,  Midweek Makers ,  Needle and Thread Thursday ,  Whoop Whoop Friday Celine

December goals

December is already half way through and only now I am posting my goals. Little need to say that I will not have time for much... Work has been extraordinary busy and tiring. Adding to it the end of year, Christmas preparations frenzy, this is why I am only "back" now. No need to have an ambitious list when I'll have very little time to sew so I will trim it back compare to other months... Quilting: 1.  Dear Jane - finish rows D and E Dressmaking 1 .  Linden sweater in navy    2. Knickers 3. Christmas dress 4. Comox trunks Accessories 1. Christmas Gift Bags 2.  Sunglasses cases  3. Open wide pouches for Christmas Celine

Baby rattles

The girls' dance teacher had a little girl end of October and I had not managed to get a present organised until late last month. Finally just before the class on Saturday morning I made one baby rattle for each of the girl to gift. I used the same pattern I had used for my nephew to make a cat and a mouse, but in pink of course!  Et voila, 2 little baby rattles made from Crystal's lovely pattern, complete with scrunched paper in the ears and a little rattle inside their head. These were my last OPAM for November and one of my Q4 FAL list too. Celine

November Furtle

I can't believe November is over in about 1 hour.... of course I had great projects and of course I hardly touched any. I had masses of work that heavily impacted my free time and I think the stress and tiredness caught up with me so after a good start earlier in the month I've not done much at all. A few items with faux leather including my Jangl es Anchor bag A few items of clothing all with the same fabric! Including a partir of Acacia knickers to use up my scraps Only 2 blocks for my Vintage Kitchen quilt-along And finally 2 baby rattles that I made this morning Linking to November Furtle   Celine