January Furtle

 Wow, what a start for the year! I have finally taken some time to sew, regularly. Not always a massive amount of time but some time. And it has made a difference I am happy to report.

I have also started (too?) many quilt alongs, and I know it will be a challenge to keep up with them all but I'll have to try... 

I have also managed to blog a lot more than I had for a very long time (maybe simply because I had things to blog about!)

Let's have a look at how this month went...

I finally managed to finish a few bits that I had cut before Christmas: underwear for my daughter and I and also a personalised key ring. All in use already :-)

I picked up my winter coat again and made some progress... finally. Nowhere near finish yet but at least it is moving in that direction!

I made quite a few blocks this month for the new quilt-alongs I joined: 4 Birthday blocks, 2 Paper Piecing blocks and 3 brick piles!

I also made some reusable kitchen towels that came handy on Sunday when I boiled some milk over.

Linking to January Furtle.



  1. What a busy month! It’s lovely to know that you’re finding more sewing time, hopefully that will help with keeping up with all the quilt alongs you’ve joined! The coat is looking fantastic and I love all those blocks you’ve made. And finishes too! Hooray *waves pompoms* Thanks for Furtling!


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