350-block challenge

So Shelly is organising the 350-block project again this year. This will be my third year and I haven't hit the 350 blocks mark yet but I have good hopes for this year :-) With the number of new projects I have started this year, surely I have the potential to smash the 350 blocks target, but then we will have to see if I manage to run the distance....
For now, I have made 2 more block lotto blocks, I love those blocks I must say....

I had also caught up with the 365 challenge last week and made blocks #12, 13 and 14 (and I am behind again!
I made 2 geese blocks for the #100daychallenge quilts
Hello Kitty got started finally with only block 1 so far
and I also stitched 2 blocks for the Town and Country quilt
So quite a few blocks after all in the last week or so since my total is now 26 blocks this month with hopefully more to come!



  1. It looks like you are off to a good start in your block count. It is fun to see how many blocks you really make in a year. Good luck reaching your goal.

  2. Fun projects! Thanks for sharing at Sew Cute Tuesday!

  3. Wow! Lots of blocks this week! Thanks for sharing them on Building Blocks Tuesday.

  4. You're making good progress - I've decided to join in this year too!


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