New Year, new start(s)

Of course, there are loads of new at this time of year and lots of energy for everything... and sometimes it last, sometimes it doesn't....

Temptation to start new projects is just so high and I am terrible at resisting.... So I have embraced the New Year with a wishlist longer than I can ever imagine fulfilling, but then dreaming is allowed, isn't it?

Aside to quilting and sewing, I have started the annual declutter and I am sure I will give up at some point, I am trying to stick to it for as long as possible. What is done, is done!
I noticed that Shelly is running a Studio Organising Challenge over the whole year. Well my sewing area is in dear need of organising.... I had started quite well with my fabric last year but there is still so much more to do. This week is all about paper clutter and I must say I have already thrown away loads since reading her blog!

I am also trying to stick to exercise and I have started to try to start my day with yoga, following Adrienne's videos. I feel this gives me a great start for the day and leaves me more calm. Let's see how long I can keep it up.

Back to sewing, I have started a number of new projects this year. I signed up for the Town and Country quilt last year in Birmingham and that kicked up on 1 January. I only received my background fabric this week (I ordered around New Year's day!) from Kaleidoscope Quilts, fantastic variety of batiks!

so I have so far just started with the central star

I also started the 365-challenge quilt and made the first 7 blocks this week. They are very very simple and fast so far, which is great!

The HKQAL started before Christmas and so far I have only gone as far as starting the cutting, but not the hundreds of white squares yet.... maybe this week-end.

And I am tempted to add these projects to the list (somebody please stop me now... or not!):
The Zodiac BOM
Sugar Block Club
Mighty Lucky Quilting Club
Zen Chic BOM

And in case, this wasn't enough, I have also signed up for 2 cross-stitch BOM: Postcards from the World and Let's Go on an Adventure
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't already have so many other WIPs...
Linking to Sew Cute Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, Needle and Thread Thursday



  1. Here's to the New Year and many new beautiful projects! Looking forward to spending 2016 seeing what you make!

  2. You have a very interesting mix of projects planned for 2016! Can't wait to see how they turn out!


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