Happy New Year!

A new Year is beginning, 2016 has just started and I wish you all a healthy, happy and creative year!

Happy New Year!

To start the New Year I will share my 2016 goals with you, but if I write them, do I have to keep them? ;-) I never make New Year's resolutions because I can't seem to keep them....

One thing I would really like to manage this year is to relax more and be less stressed, let's hope!

Otherwise, of course my goals for 2016 which involves fabric and thread are far too many to be realistic (!) but let's just list the ones I would really love to achieve:

1. HKQAL for my youngest
2. Quilt for M
3. Custom cushions
4. some  clothes sewing (I have patterns, fabric and an overlocker just for that)
5. Catch up and follow on the quilt-alongs: Farmer's Wife 1930, HK, HST, 365-challenge, Town and Country quilt

Maybe I'll check-in in a year's time to see how much I have achieved... or maybe not!

Have a fantastic year.
Linking to Val's Quilting Studio.



  1. Happy ne year Celine and a lot of stitching time.


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