Finish Along Q4 and end of year!

So another year is over and the last quarter has been very very busy. I guess I anticipated it was going to be by cutting down my list to 15 instead of the usual 20 I list. There was a lot of work, a lot of travel and plenty of events to keep us busy. So of course, the list of 15 was not achievable (!) but I am so happy that I managed to finish the 2 gifts I wanted to make on time, and a little bit more!

1. #charmpions quilt for my friends' 40th - finished and gifted

2. M new quilt - blocks are ready to be put together in a quilt - no progress

3. Farmer's girl vintage quilt for Soo's retirement - finished and gifted
4.  Star Plus quilt - finished

5. September in the Hexagons - trimmed, need binding

6. Cat bag as a Christmas present similar to the one I made 2 years ago - not started

7.  X string quilt - 2 blocks needed to finish the top - no progress

8. Mr Snowmen cushion - finished

9. Custom cushions x 2 - no progress

10. Elephant quilt - only 2 blocks done - no progress

11. Quilt for A - not started - no progress

12. Advent wreath - finished

13. A very merry Christmas town sampler - some progress

14. Mod Mod Along - more blocks are needed - no progress

15. Work bag for myself - started years ago but stopped because of a zip fear! - this one is on my list since the beginning of last year so I am really hoping I'll eventually pick it up and finish it...  no progress
This is it only 5 projects crossed off my list but 5 that I am very happy to have finished. Now time to get planning for the first quarter of 2016!


  1. Dear Celine,
    your finished qults are just adorable. Wonderful colors and such beautiful designs.


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